News Detail

Youth Philanthropy Initiative

The Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) final presentations, sponsored by the Toskan-Cassale Foundation were recently held. The winning presentation per school is awarded a $5,000 donation for their charitable organization. 
The Youth Philanthropy Initiative (YPI) final presentations, sponsored by the Toskan-Cassale Foundation were recently held. The winning presentation per school is awarded a $5,000 donation for their charitable organization. 

This year's presentations were stellar: Alice, Claire, and Melissa made a passionate case for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Halton; Cassie, Cokie, and Elsa presented an outstanding videoscribe video for Habitat for Humanity, and AyraRia, and Victoria used emotional case studies that resonated deeply with the audience for the winning group, SAVIS. Congratulations to all three groups for their incredible work this year.