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Student Set Sail for Gold

This past summer, SMLS student Aseera J. participated in the "Set Sail for Gold" residential project for The Duke of Edinburgh program.  Read more for her story - in English and French! Way to climb out of your comfort zone Aseera! 
This past summer, SMLS student Aseera J. participated in the "Set Sail for Gold" residential project for The Duke of Edinburgh program.  Read more for her story - in English and French! Way to climb out of your comfort zone Aseera! 
Over the summer, in August, I had the opportunity to go to Québec and participate in the ‘Set Sail for Gold’ residential project for the Duke of Edinburgh program.  During this experience, with 15 other people from across Canada, we sailed along the St. Lawrence River for a total of 9 days.  This was a French immersion project; therefore all the activities and instructions were held in French.  In order to go on this trip, one of the requirements was to speak at an advanced level of French.  I was worried at first, but Mme Talaat- my French teacher- encouraged me to try it anyways as there would be no harm in applying, and there wasn’t!  I was accepted and the journey had begun. 

The first couple of days on the boat were tough as everybody spoke either fluent French, or were in French immersion.  I was one of two people who took regular core French at school.   As imagined, I had trouble communicating and understanding, but as time went by, I found myself talking frequently and was able to understand the majority of instructions given.  I was fully launched out of my comfort zone and into a place without having the ability to use my first language often, but this experience was extremely beneficial.  It gave me the opportunity to use my French in real-life scenarios.  I didn’t realize how much French I actually knew, until I was put in situations where I had no choice but to use it. 

My French language skills definitely improved because people who spoke fluent French surrounded me.  I met several people from across Canada and developed connections with them.  It was honestly an amazing and unique experience, not just to enhance on my French skills, but also to complete the Gold level of the prestigious Duke program.

Pendant l’été, j’ai participé à l’expédition « Faites voile vers l’or! » entreprise par le programme du Duc d’Édimbourg. Lors de ce projet résidentiel qui a eu lieu à Québec, j’ai fait voile tout le long du Fleuve Saint-Laurent pendant 9 jours avec 15 autre étudiants et étudiantes.

Cette expédition m’a constitué un défit – je n’étais entourée que par des francophones! Toutes les activités et instructions ont été déroulées en Français. Madame Talaat, mon enseignante de français, m’a encouragée à soumettre une demande bien qu’une des conditions nécessaires était de parler Français couramment. Alors, j’ai essayé et ma demande a été acceptée, hourra!

Les premiers jours sur le bateau étaient très difficiles parce que j’étais la seule étudiante apprenant le Français comme langue seconde. Au début, j’ai éprouvé des difficultés à communiquer et comprendre, mais petit à petit, mes craintes ont disparu. J’ai pris des risques et je suis devenue plus confiante en mes habiletés de communiquer en français. J’ai eu l’occasion d’utiliser mon Français dans des scénarios authentiques.