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Madison Juchniewicz ‘30

Giving to those in need is top of mind for Madison Juchniewicz. In lieu of presents to celebrate her eighth birthday, Madison collected money to donate to SMLS.
“When her birthday was approaching, Madison and I discussed what we should do”, said her mother, Aurora. “She knows that she has more than she needs, and decided to collect money to donate instead of receiving more toys. She chose to give it to SMLS”.
Together with her teacher, they decided to use the money to purchase new novels for her Grade 3 class.
This wasn’t the first time Madison has donated to SMLS. She also donated her birthday money to SMLS the year before, and her Grade 2 Class used that money to create a Lego wall in the classroom. She regularly supports local toy drives as well.
This won’t be the last philanthropic act for Madison. She plans to continue supporting charities and giving her toys to local toy drives.
“It makes me proud to see the novels and Lego wall being used. I already have a lot, and I thought the school might need things. It makes me happy that I donated the money.”